Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Heat Stress Training: Be Safe and Cool with Summer Heat (Part-II)

In previous part of the topic we have discussed about the basic and common issues, more particularly about heat stroke and heat exhaustion issue. At this part of the topic Bridge Safety Consultants Inc. going to let you people know about rest of the common and other sorts of issues and its solution as well.

Heat Cramps:
It is rare but considerable intention to harm workers as it produces an effect of lacking in sweat as well as lack in water refilling up system. In order to avoid such ailment one is required to take water on frequent basis, for instance, two times in an hour. In addition to this, sport drinks for the reason that it includes carbohydrate electrolyte elements, should also be gifted to workers to regain and boost up energy level.

Heat Rashes:
This is the issue that most often caused by our own activity we do in hope of that it will save us from the heat. Yes, in essence we apply creams or ointments to keep safe our skin from heat, but it is not the case so, it won't help you at all, rather it could left you with more issues for the reason that it keeps the skin warm and moist. However, heat stress training consultants suggests to opt for powders in this case just to be in safe side. 

Heat Stress Training - Summer Heat Issues

Above mentioned issues were most common during the phase of summer season, though heat stress training consultants may aware you people about further safety measurements that could also be adopted, for instance, the best practice is to drink sufficient water than coming thirsty at workplace. In addition to this, get used to wear hat and get friendly with safety glasses.

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