Friday, April 29, 2011

Safety Meetings: Key to Success – Avoid Loss of Health and Wealth

This the era where everyone strives to be in more safer zone by avoiding healthy as well as wealthy loss. The core hunt for them is to get the key to success literally in a short cut way. However, at this particular spot you people going to get to know about the role safety meetings and how it will lead you to taste the real sweet fruits at the very end. Safety meetings make enable you people, more specifically, you employers and employees as well, to get the chance with higher authorities just to discuss over the matter of workplace safety issues.

Bridge Safety Consultants - Safety Meetings

The workplace where you are supposed to give your services may include hazards, being in this technological world, for sure, every workplace does. By getting into safety meetings, nor you will state your workplace training issues but you people might get some fresh and updated knowledge or instructions for instance, how to get entry into secure belt. According to safety consulting firms, like, Bridge Safety Consultants Inc., had researched and stated that more than 90% of injuries are caused by actions done without following the proper instructions. If you have sufficient knowledge about workplace safety, it is obvious, your job will be highly effective, and that will straightforwardly head you towards the success. On the other side of the coin, once you would be in a safe zone, you maintain your sound health, ultimately, saving bucks in the treasure. All this can happen merely you listen to whatever is conveying by the safety consulting expertise in safety meetings.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Safety Depends Upon Various Factors- IIPP Is One OF Them

The importance of an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Plan IIPP is as much as to have a formula of some product. IIPP is usually modified according ot the needs of the business entities and it plays a vital role in the maintenance of workplace safety.
Safety is usually measure by the accidents, injuries and near misses that happen at a workplace. The most authentic way to reduce the possibility of injuries and accidents at a workplace is by addressing the employees that the management cares about their safety and to broadcast that message a project manager/HR manager is the perfect personnel. 

More on that, Safety Incentive Programs are also a key platform to tell the employees that the company will entertain them with handsome incentives for keeping themselves secure and off-course the business assets. Safety training is important and necessary, to be honest it is a must have requirement for all the businesses. As the workplace safety responsibility is over HR manager, so the contribution of him/her is truly valuable for the welfare of the employees, the business and also him/her self.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Safety Incentive Programs or Cheering Parties

Though its an old news but its clouds are still surveilling and it was about the termination of Safety Incentive Programs, because what the higher authorities of OSHA think of is that “the safety programs are discouraging employees/workers to lie about the accidents and injuries that really happen at workplace”.
The exact words of DR. Michaels were
We also disapprove of incentive programs that, for example, offer a pizza party or allow workers to enter a raffle for a new truck. These incentive programs can discourage employees from reporting injuries because they want to receive the reward.”
and carrying it on he said that, OSHA inspectors are also searching for such type of incentive programs and they will pros n cons the the very aspects of them to make sure that the workers are not lying about the injuries and accidents that happen at workplace.

So, there must be some small programs like the OSHA authorities mentioned but not for the purpose of safety but they can be arranged on the completion of projects, achievements of targets etc to let the workers know that company cares about them and cheers them on their performance. To run effective an legit safety incentive programs the owner or the managing authorities must consult with a well known Safety Consulting Agency member.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Conduct An Effective Safety Meeting and Safety Incentive Program Together?

Getting things covered at once is quite adequate and economical as well in these days. Its true that the world is rushing towards computer technology but still there are so many course of jobs that need physical human interaction to get the job done. Also there are some job divisions which need heavy machinery to lift up load and manage the fixtures. The perfect way to motivate the workers to follow up the safety procedures after providing the safety training is organizing the Safety Meetings and Safety Incentive Programs.
Its important to keep up the motive of the workers by arranging safety meetings to raise their aim for maintaining the safety of the workplace and to make a meeting more interesting safety question must be asked to the workers against some presents. Incentives must be provided to those who contribute in the maintenance of the safety.
Following are some of the important topics that must be covered in every safety meeting:
  • Back Safety Training
  • HAZCOM Training
  • Workplace Fire Safety
  • First Aid Safety
  • Forklift Training
  • Heat Stress Training
  • Workplace Maintenance
  • Safety Equipments
  • Issues regarding machines, workplace, apparatus other workers behavior etc

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Not To Save The Lives Of Innocent Workers-Provide On-Site Safety Training!

It doesn't need to mention that how its feel like to be an owner of a skyscraper or even of a multiple storey building in a popular place but its only good for the owners, who just order things and they get done and they even don't know how they are being done. Innocent workers get killed and I would say that they don't even care about it because money is not only matters for the victim family but the member they lost they would love to accept without money. Though its not the owner who kills them but an appropriate Safety Training, better workplace environment and uptodate safety equipment can become a barrier against the accident.
Appropriate training means whether you are running a small project or a big one the person you would hire for the On-Site Safety Training of your workers mus be an experienced professional trainer. Who knows how to tackle the every single accident possible at the workplace and he must convey the safety procedures to the workers accordingly. The owner must place the safety equipment as recommended by the safety trainer and also the maintenance of the workplace as the safety trainer guided. Its not money that matters all the time but its more about people who bring you valuable returns and make worth of themselves and for others.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Turn Safety Meeting Into A Successful Safety Program

As we know that safety of a workplace depends upon to main factors one is Behavior and the other is Conditions, though they are further categorized into various forms but the Workplace Safety depends upon these two main factors. It is the duty of the business owners to provide appropriate equipments and resources to the workers to make sure that the peoples working in the organization are safe.

To make the workers realize the importance of the safety of their life and also the environment where they have to perform their duties, scheduled Safety Meetings must be organized. These meetings not only remind them the importance of the safe workplace but it will also help them in raising their morale. The real challenge of safety meetings is that the information, by its very mature, is replicated many times, so a long term employees has heard it all before. There is a great assessment of risk in physically demanding jobs, complexity leads to accidents. When the organizer turns the safety meeting into real meant of safety and the relevant information is being shared around, ideas and suggestions are being shared, workers are realizing the importance of safety, then he has done his job perfectly and the basic purpose of safety meeting is being achieved by him/her.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Top Four Factors of Workplace Safety!

When it is about the safety of the workplace then so many things come up in the mind but the under-mention factors are the most important factors on which the workplace safety depends:
  • Business Owner / Project Manger
  • Safety Trainer
  • Workers
  • Safety Equipment

Business Owner / Project Manger :
first thing comes first, its the business operates who holds the main string of his/her workplace safety. An efficient owner cares as much about the safety of the workplace as much he is concern about the promotion of the business. The reason is, proper workplace safety will help him to escape from OSHA, reduce the workplace injuries, growth in work output and also it will help in the development of good will and cost effective production (the other factor of the workplace safety).

Safety Trainer:
safety trainer also play a very important role in the maintenance of workplace safety. Though it depends upon the owner that to whom he/she going to pick up for the training of their workers and an efficient safety trainer is the one who not only train the workers about what to do as an accident happen and also how to handle the safety equipments? But he is the one who amend the behavior of the workers too. Because workplace safety is mostly disturbed by the non serious behavior of the workers.

To be continued......

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some of the key factors that are directly connected with the Workplace Safety

Though the business entities are under the direct influence of OSHA but you are not suppose to maintain the workplace safety only for the OSHA inspectors. OSHA is not only working of the workers but if you try to figure out then you will come to know that the rules and regulations of OSHA are superbly for the betterment of the business as well. Like if there is a breach in the safety policy of your business then accident would be a regular part of the business place and believe it or not they worth more than what an insurance company pays to you. Some of the key factors that are directly connected with the Workplace Safety are:

  • A penalty could be imposed by OSHA.
  • Loss in the goodwill of the business.
  • Trust of the workers.
  • Drainage of workers.
  • Raise in cost of projects.
  • Delay in completion of projects.
  • Difficulty in finding trained workers at adequate cost.
  • Extra expenses on medication of workers and fixture of workplace.
  • The most severe scenario is, when a work dies because of an accident

Safety Training is the only solution that can drive you out through is grim mess of workplace safety issues and you don't need to worry about OSHA penalties as your workers would be trained by some professional and so on.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How To Escape From Aerial Lift Hazards?

We all know the functionality of the aerial lifts but we all must know that what is the capability of the aerial lift that we own. Because if we don't know about the capability of our machines then we may, or surely we going to face some serious injuries and accidents at the workplace. To remove the threat of getting injuries and facing accidents, the business owners or the project manager needs to hire only those operators who are certified by a good Aerial Lift Training Company.
Well, the basic usability of aerial lift is to lift up loads and usually they are used at construction sites, fixing up power lines, cleaning up window and some times for painting walls. According to OSHA reports about 20+ workers die yearly because of irresponsibility of aerial lift operators. The topmost activities that a business manager must perform to ensure the Workplace Safety and the safety of his and his co-workers are :

  • Hire only those operators that are certified by well safety training companies or provide an extensive on site training to the lift operators, so they can tackle the issues as trained.
  • The operator must know the working capability of the machine.
  • Manufacturer safety precautions and guidelines must be followed.
  • Not only machines but the environment have to be supportive, so a check on scaffolds also help to reduce the threat of any mishap.
  • Make sure that the weight of the object is not more than specified in lift capability.
  • Wheel chokes must be placed whether working on a slope or on a plain floor.
  • Analyze the physical condition of the workplace, are the capable of to work on ?
  • If working on outside like on roads and in streets, than proper signs on information must be placed at an appropriate distance to avoid any ones disturbance.
  • A regular eye on the parts and maintenance of machine also helps to perform its duties accordingly.
  • If you are going for a rental lift then make sure that its well tuned and must talk to the owner of the lift about the functionality of the lift.